Thursday, September 10, 2009

Recipe of the Day


4 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Cinnamon
1 part Bay

Burn during divination and healing rituals.

Banish Negative Energy From A House

Take four black candles and put them at each of the cardinal points of your home. Next to each candle put a piece of onyx or lodgestone or a piece of magnetized iron. Light the four candles and picture them sucking up all the negative energy in the house and channeling it back into Earth through the stones.

Next, take a stick of incense, frankincense, or sandalwood is best, and draw a banishing pentagram of Earth at each window, wall, door, and corner of your house. Visualize the negative energy being pushed beyond the pentagram and locked outside as you complete it.

After the candles have burned a bit and you feel that they have absorbed the negative energies, bury the candles outside around the house in the four directions. Leave the stones where they are, and visualize them as a spirtual electric fence that keeps the negative energy or pesky spirits from coming back in.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Recipe Of The Day

Abramelin Incense

2 parts Myrrh
1Part Wood Aloe
A few drops Cinnamon Oil

Use: Burn to contact spirits during rituals or as a simple consecration insense to sanctify the altar or magical tools.

Spell Of The Day

Well in these troubled financial times I will be posting spells of prosperity for you.

Abundance From The Earth

Supplies: One small container of cinnamon, a spindle, three one dollar bills.

Instructions: Beginning on a Thursday in the hour of Jupiter, place one dollar on te spindle. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Hold your hands over the dollar bill and say:

Veiled Fortuna, goddess of luck,
sweet sister of fortune,
spinner of the Wheel of Destiny,
grant me the gift of prosperity.
With harm to none, so mote it be!
Place the second dollar bill on top of the first, sprinkle with cinnamon, and say:
Spirits of earth, element of prosperity,
strong Mother of my fortune,
grant me the gift of unlimited resources.
Bring me the blessings of positive abundance.
With harm to none, mote it be!
Place the third dollar bill on top of the second, sprinkle with cinnamon, and say:
I am fortuna.
I am successful.
I am positive abundance.
I am prosperity. So mote it be!

Welcome to September

MABON, Autumnal Equinox, cross quarter day of equal day and night, also called Harveest Home, the season of Dionysus. The power energy is especially fitting because JUSTICE is often symbolized by perfect balance.

This moon is a wishing moonnd a marvelous opportunity to observe the ancient ritual of offering. One suggestion might be the observance giving thanks to the deities or spirits who have aided you in the past and on whose names you may call. A pinch of Solomon's Seal combined with Dragon's Blood Incense and good intentions.

Magic is real

Magic does exist and is more powerful today than ever before. Magic changes with the ages, spells become more potent and can turn around any situation without a doubt.

I have practiced magic for most of my life. It was something I grew up with in my family and it wasn't something strange at all. Magic was the core of my family and gave us a solid security where no others could interfere. We experienced a strong bond of love and spiritual happiness no matter what happened.

Today people struggle to live with the stresses of work, money and relationships. People trying to destroy others and for what? The end result is destruction and unhappiness. Mindset has become the real root of all problems. If you could change your mindset so many things could change. No one believes in themselves anymore as they are too worried about how to survive in our complicated world.

If you can remember what you were told as a child and remember the magical stories you can start to believe that there are other elements in the world that can help you. These were not just stories but half truths that gave us an idea that magic did exist and definitely still exists.

We turn to magic as a last resort when all is lost. We hope we can salvage something that we can cling on to. Hope is the last thing to leave us when is despair and in my view it's a real safety net. If you turn to a good spell caster they will teach you how to channel good energy and open channels so that magic can enter you. If you are desperate you will believe and spells will work. Hundreds of people have been helped with magic but I bet they have never revealed their source to happiness.

Never fear magic and believe in it. It doesn't have to be a last resort it can work for you when you need it. You can use magic to mold your life, get the things you desire and live life to the full.

The energies in the universe are used for magical purposes. Precious stones are all used for magic and hold a lot of magical qualities. The most important and powerful element to magic is our thoughts. If used correctly there is nothing one can't achieve. All this combined with spells provide remedies, answers and abundance.

Never look down on magic and spells as they work around us all the time. Never do harm to another when using magic as it will come back to you triple fold.

Wicca vs. Witchcraft

In an essence, Wicca and Witchcraft cannot really be differentiated between in a discussion as Wiccans use witchcraft as a ritualistic tool. Many people tend to think about spells, witches, etc. when hearing about Witchcraft mostly due to history and misconceptions about it. Furthermore, witchcraft can only really be defined separately to Wicca when it is practiced without its purpose within the Wiccan culture.

Witchcraft is an important part of Wicca philosophy, in much the same way as blessings and exorcisms have been used in the Christian faith for centuries. Popular culture has shown many of us Father Karras reciting from the bible, and casting holly water on the possessed body of a child in William Friedkin's famous film The Exorcist, yet we still praise this activity. Is it actually so different from witchcraft?

Witchcraft is not as some would believe, all about evil spells and curses being conjured out of bat wings, spiders and frog's legs boiling in a huge black cauldron. Witchcraft is more about harmony and balance; although strangely enough cauldrons and broomsticks do feature.

Wiccans use magic (or Magick as often spelt by the Wiccan community) primarily to promote things such as: love, fertility, healing or to eliminate negative influences; and it is commonly believed among Wiccans that magick is a law of nature, as natural as the sun that rises and the wind that blows. However, Wiccans do not claim to be able to produce balls of fire from their mouths or bolts of lightning from their fingertips. It is important to approach Wicca philosophy realistically and practice it with understanding and respect.


Did you know that there are thousands of people practicing witchcraft Wiccan spells every single day? If you are interested in learning more about how to become one of these people, I can help get your foot in the door. Before we jump into the steps you need to take, I do want to make sure that you understand that Wicca is not to be taken lightly and it never ever to be used with malicious intent or against someone. Witchcraft Wiccan spells qualify as white magic, which means that they are used for things like healing or finding love. The notion of evil witches is really only popular in fairy tales and movies, not so much in real life.

Since there are tons of different resources and it can be overwhelming not knowing where to start, I wanted to give you some advice. So let's get into the details and go over some tips that you need to be aware of when starting to work with witchcraft Wiccan spells.

The first step is to narrow down the types of spells that you want to practice. I recommend choosing no more than 2 in the beginning because trying to learn too many at once is too hard. When I was a beginner, I decided to start with divination and healing spells.
Next, you can take your 2 subjects and break down them down into even more detailed topics. For example, if you want to learn about healing spells, you can focus on healing chants or healing spells using herbs.
And last but not least, you will need to find a trusted instructor and course so that you can learn as quickly and efficiently as possible. I found my instructor by reading reviews online.

These are the steps that you should check off, I promise that it will make it easier if you do. Good luck and blessed be!

Witchcraft Phobia

Why do so many people fear witchcraft? Are you one of them? If so it is probaly due to a general misunderstanding. However you are a step ahead, you are willing to gain knowledge. And knowledge is the best way tyo get over a fear or phobia. I would personally like to share with you true knowledge on witchcraft. I do hope you are willing to learn. If so, let's conquer the fear and read this article.

Witchcraft is nothing to be feared of. Do you know what witchcraft is called as a religion? It's called Wicca, which is also the Old English terminology that is used for witch. Society has laid out so many negative stereotypest for witchcraft and that is the reason you have this phobia.

So few people understand that Wicca or witchcraft primarily worships nature. In fact, witches, view every living creation as if they are sacred. Also, when you look at the Wiccan holy days, you will find that they follow the nature cycles as well as the changing of the seasons. Wiccans are known for worshipping both the male and female deity. There is a female Goddess and a male God and they both created the world that we live in.

Witchcraft just like any other religion should not viewed as black or white. It is a religion that worships Mother Nature. Yes, spells are used by Wiccans and they also conduct a series of prayers and rituals. However, what you do not realize is the fact that those spells have to be within the rules of the witchcraft code of conduct. This means that any spells that are used in order to harm a living being is forbidden. If you have a fear of witchcraft, then you definitely need to rethink this phobia you have. You see, there are so many unique things about it. Being afraid of them is a lot like being afraid of an angel that would never hurt you.



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